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Our References

Orange Tunisia (since 2015):


Support, maintenance & evolutions

KPSA Provisioning :


KSL Bill Formating :


Number portability :

Redesign and new solution implementation

Order care :

Development, integration, support

Orange Tunisia: Migration from BSCS R2 to EB23 (2024)

Data migration kernel and not kernel,

Adapt CX, APIs, non kernel applications to EB23

Global integration and validation

Ivory Coast : Support & Maintenance iXR4 : with Ericsson (2020)

Botswana : PMO, UATs with Inetum on Ericsson deliveries (2016)

Egypt : Mobinil : Migration from BSCS V6 to BSCSiXR2 (2009) with Inetum

Orange Burkina Faso: migration to BSCS 18, provisioning: with Ericsson and Inetum (2019)

Orange Morocco: Migration to BSCS 18: with Ericsson and Inetum (2018)

Orange Jordan: Development of BSCS API REST: with Inetum (2018)

ONATI Tahiti:

Migration from legacy systems to CBIO 18 ( BSCS18, TCRM, EOC, ECM, CS)

Production Support and new business requirement implementation (CR)

OPT New Caledonia:

Migration from BSCS IX R1 to CBIO 17 ( BSCS17, TCRM, Ericsson Order Care, CS)

Production Support and new business requirement implementation (CR)

Tunisia : Development, integration and support on ixR3 (2011)

Algeria: (From 2010 to 2018)

PMO Migration from BSCS 8 and Siemens IN to E/// CBIO

Production support of E/// CBIO

DWH and ETL (Informatica) development& support

 France: Data migration from BSCSR1 and BSCS 17 to E/// billing EB21

Maroc Telecom : Migration from BSCSV7 to BSCSiXR2

Mobicom Mongolia : Convergent solution : Coheris CRM, BSCS iXR3, Provisioning, APSM

Syria : STE : Coheris CRM+ BSCS IXR1 Fix Network : with Alcatel

Angola : Coheris + BSCS iXR2 + Provisionning

Globacom Nigeria : support and configuration (BSCS 6)

Globacom Benin : support and configuration (BSCS iXR2)

Djibouti Telecom: Migration to MS-CRM, Migration fix, ADSL vers BSCS R4, KPSA for Fix and ADSL with Inetum (Huawei + E/// plateforms)

Globacom Ghana: KPSA (Huawei Platforms)

Belarus : BEST : BSCS iX R1 convergent Prepaid/Post-paid

Tunisie Telecom : Support and Maintenance (TMA) on BSCS iX R2

New Caledonia (2020) Migration to CBIO17
Botswana (2016) PMO & UAT
Mongolia (2016) Convergent Solution BSCS iXR3
Djibouti (2022) Migration to BSCS iXR4
Dubai (2017) ETL Data Migration
Syria (2009)
Fix Migration to BSCS iXR1
Mobinil (2009) Migration to BSCS iXR2
Ooredoo (2015) Migration to CBIO R1
Maroc Telecom (2011) Migration to BSCS iXR2
Glo Ghana (2012) Provisioning KPSA
Ivory Coast (2020) Support & Maintenance iXR4
Tahiti (2020) Migration to CBIO18

Project References

Alongside our customers, wherever they are, locally or remotely